Le Talke Shoppe Online
Your online “social home” where you can personally connect with other members of your local and global community with our trademarked “Topic Video Monologue” format. Share your best ideas (empower our youth age 15 and older with your knowledge) in your uploaded video and build connections for a better quality of life!
Centre for Art & Talk
Ventura/Santa Barbara Counties’ “social home” for face-to-face connection with others through our trademarked “Your Topic Monologue/Dialogue Talk” sessions designed to build community. We will announce our upcoming talk sessions in Ventura as they are scheduled.
Emily Robyn Clark
435 E Thompson Blvd (near California St)
Ventura, CA 93001
In collaboration with Downtown Ventura’s new restaurant “Vaquero y Mar”
(805) 647-8767
[email protected]